Thursday, July 30, 2015

Building Bridges: Christie Chafoya.

This past Sunday a few of us from Street Keepers made a quick trip to Austin for the Texas meetup of Global Meet, a worldwide simultaneous meetup of photographers. Heater Central and Conquer HTX were our gracious hosts and showed us all a great time. During this trip I met a lot of great people--it's what I love most about photo meetups. One person in particular I had the pleasure of meeting was Christie who is not only down to earth and super chill, but she is also a great model and photographer. We had an impromptu shoot along the river and the images below are what we created. Look for more of this young lady in the near future. Follow Christie's work on Instagram (@holachichi_) and read the quick interview below to learn more about this budding artist.

First, tell 'em who you are and what you do.:
My name is Christie Chafoya but you can call me Chi Chi. I'm currently designing new embellished sunglasses (Soul de Ixchel), putting a project called the Uncreated, I'm also a professional fashion show dresser, window display assistant and work at Pete's Piano Bar in downtown Houston! 

Where are you from?: 
H-TOWN BABY! My family roots lie in Mexico and El Salvador. 

How do you spend your free time?:
I like to hang out with friends, people who make me laugh, forget about the world and inspire my creative side. Anything that makes me feel out of this world like dancing, yoga or meditating. 

Who are you currently listening to?
FKA Twigs is my current obsession. 

What is one of your biggest achievements?:
Pushing myself to achieve the goals I strive for without losing touch of my true self. Sounds general but not everyone can base their decisions with their heart.

What are some of your goals in life?:
I want to be successful creatively and explore the world while doing it. Making great lifelong friends and memories along the way. Basically anywhere the wind takes me. 

If you could be any animal, what would you be?
Elephant!! Because they're such emotional creatures or a lion because I'm a little Leo :) 

If money were no obstacle, where would you travel to and why?
I would wish to travel throughout space because fuck society. 

Stay Creative,

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