Saturday, March 12, 2016

Do Something You Love Today.

BLUE731 inspiration. San Antonio, TX.

If you follow me on Snapchat (BLUE731), then you may remember earlier this year I would post little drawings of fun characters spewing little gems of inspiration every morning. I made these little scrap pieces of paper to take phone messages at my last day-job and began drawing on them every day as a means to keep me in uplift. I would post them at the communal computer in my department so that others could see them as well. I wanted to share these moments with people everywhere in hopes to get them through a little tough patch they may be having or just make someone smile.

Follow your passions.

Inspiration and Motivation.

I was pretty miserable at my last job and these little characters were a mix of positivity for the world or things I wanted to tell my co-workers, but mostly, they were little reminders to myself. Little windows of how I was feeling at this place. I am happy to say I've since quit that job and have been pursuing more enjoyable things in life to earn a living. Although it's been tough without the security of a day-job or "steady" income, I've felt so much better spiritually and creatively.

My brand Awake & Moving is growing every day and that's been a huge blessing. Every day, every week, I am able to put so much energy into my brand that I can see it growing so much faster and stronger. Personal art projects I had been putting aside because of a lack of time are seeing fruition and this book is one of them. So I wanted to share it with you all.

Illustrations and words by BLUE731.

I saved every one of these images without knowing what to do with them. As I was coming to the end of my time at that job, I had the idea of a book. So I grabbed my favorite images that I drew from these mornings and collected them into this little art book. I've recently changed webstore providers and redesigned the look overall to look cleaner and this book can be found there along with the new Deftones concert poster I created. SHOP HERE. Expect it to fill with new projects from now on as often as I can produce them (every sale helps create the next project btw!). Also, be sure to keep up with as I have a LOT of good stuff coing and not just new product!!! Most recently photos of the Atmosphere & Brother Ali show!

Hand drawn illustration makes each one unique!

OH!--Each book includes a hand drawn illustration just for you making each book uniquely unique. Thank you for your continued support everyone. I know you will enjoy this little book and hopefully it will help you throughout any little daily struggle you may have. Every moment you reside in positivity over negativity is a win of a much bigger fight.

So stay positive and Keep Pushin' Forward!

Stay Creative,

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